“The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.”
“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”
Proverbs 16:1 & 9
Happy Monday beloved sisters.
Some despise Monday because the weekend fun is over and it means back to the grind, back to the mundane. But why does the mundane have to be negative? Why can’t the mundane be beautiful? It can. To the godly excellent woman, even the mundane is beautiful, for every task, whether grand or menial, is worship as unto the Lord. As we work today, we work to the Lord. For His glory. Whether that is scrubbing a toilet, changing a diaper, wiping a tiny nose, kissing an owie, or folding the same laundry once again, it’s all worship to the Lord. It is all an opportunity to serve and give of ourselves. To fulfill the calling our Father has given us. That is truly beautiful.
Monday is a new opportunity to get things done and do them well. It’s a new beginning. A fresh start. The excellent woman sees well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness (Provers 31). She builds her home (Proverbs 14). In all she does, she does heartily as unto the Lord and not unto men (Colossians 3:23). This is the day the Lord has made, we shall rejoice and be glad it in!! An excellent Monday indeed. Praise God for Mondays.
I’m sorry it has taken me to long to write. There have been some trials and testing in my life recently and it has not been easy. It has made me question and feel as though I am not worthy to write about the excellent woman. I am nowhere near the excellent woman. So how can I write about her? But it’s all His plan. It is sanctifying me. He is revealing my sin issues, cleansing me, renewing me, growing me, testing me, refining me. For if I am to study and write about the excellent woman, I must not be a hypocrite. Am I ready to apply what I am learning to my life? Am I willing to do the very hard seemingly impossible work of becoming an excellent woman? Yes. With God’s strength and help I am. It feels impossible at times. But I know it is not. For nothing is impossible with Him. All things in fact are possible with God. What a hope that is. What a delight. In the moment of trial and testing it doesn’t feel delightful though. It’s hard. It can be lonely. But He is faithful and will get us through the fire without being burned. He will not leave us. And He will not leave us as we are. He is good.
So please forgive me for being absent. The first mandate I have been given from the Lord in this journey to becoming an excellent woman is forgiveness. And I had no idea how much unforgiveness I had stored up in my heart. And it is much more difficult than I realized to let it all go and forgive as God has called me to. My next post will be all about forgiveness. But for now I wanted to explain why it has taken me to long to write here.
I am deep in the trenches with you sisters. Walking through the refining fires. It hurts. It’s hard. But what glory and beauty comes from it all! An excellent woman in the making. That is what He is doing with us. Praise the Lord!
Be blessed today beloved. May you experience God’s goodness and blessings in the beautiful mundane ! And may your Monday be excellent.
“I say to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.’”
“I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure.”
Psalms 16: 2 & 8-9
Beautiful, hard truth! Thank you!
Hi Taylor! My name is Amber Hipps. I follow you on instagram. I have sent a few messages to you since finding you on instagram. I just wanted to let you know that, since you said recently that you don't get many messages. :) I'm not sure why, but I don't think any of mine have gone through. Maybe you need an email address on your profile haha! Regardless wanted to share that I enjoy your account. I really appreciated what you shared today about not using filters. I'm 44 and had a baby 9 months ago, at 43 y/o. When I look in the mirror I don't feel I look anything like myself. It's so hard!! Fighting these negative thoughts and emotions, but like you I believe our bodies were made to heal and be resilient. I think someday I'll feel like myself again. Thanks for sharing on your Instagram account!