Beautiful, hard truth! Thank you!

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Yes friend it is!! God bless you sister!! And it is my pleasure ❤️

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Hi Taylor! My name is Amber Hipps. I follow you on instagram. I have sent a few messages to you since finding you on instagram. I just wanted to let you know that, since you said recently that you don't get many messages. :) I'm not sure why, but I don't think any of mine have gone through. Maybe you need an email address on your profile haha! Regardless wanted to share that I enjoy your account. I really appreciated what you shared today about not using filters. I'm 44 and had a baby 9 months ago, at 43 y/o. When I look in the mirror I don't feel I look anything like myself. It's so hard!! Fighting these negative thoughts and emotions, but like you I believe our bodies were made to heal and be resilient. I think someday I'll feel like myself again. Thanks for sharing on your Instagram account!

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